Belgium in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Baku Honorary consulate in Georgia All practical information about our honorary consulate in Georgia. Consular services On this page you will find all consular information if you are Belgian and live abroad. Travel to Azerbaijan, Georgia or Turkmenistan All the useful information if you are travelling to Azerbaijan, Georgia or Turkmenistan. Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document. Visa for Belgium All information on applying for a visa to Belgium. Consular fees List of consular fees. Are you travelling to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan? Check the travel advice before you leave for all the important information when travelling abroad. More information About us Who's who and jurisdiction of our Embassy in Baku. Focus on Belgium Focus on Belgium is a website of the FPS Foreign Affairs with the aim of highlighting our country's assets in a variety of areas...
Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Baku
Consular services On this page you will find all consular information if you are Belgian and live abroad.
Travel to Azerbaijan, Georgia or Turkmenistan All the useful information if you are travelling to Azerbaijan, Georgia or Turkmenistan.
Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document.